Dear Mordinson familyl!!
I'm writing this letter for 2 reasons. First I'd like to thank you and the Mordinson Agency for helping me find a very special lady. I would also like to highly recommend them for anyone who is thinking of finding nice attractive lady to share their life!
The Mordinson's run an honest and reputable business. It's very easy and inexpensive to start. You should pick at least 5 or 6 ladies to write to. You never know which one you will end up clicking with. For example when I went to Kharkov I had been writing a few women for several weeks . I thought one of them would be "The one " but when I met them and spent some time together I realized there wasn't a connection. There was another lady that I wrote one time just before I left on my trip. She was the one I fell for in love with !
The main reason that I chose to use the Mordinson Agency was because I had never traveled outside of the USA. And they offer a Hands on approach. As soon as I landed in Kharkov Michael was there to pick me up and he provided everything I could possibly need. He even accompanied me to the market on several occasion to buy groceries. Then On a slow day he picked me up and took me on a guided tour of the city.
His approach to the dates was very professional and also made me feel at ease. When providing his translation services on the dates he tries to stay on the sidelines so that you and your date are the center of each others attention. And his translations never miss a beat while he is doing this.
You should also know that I was very suspicious of everything that goes on in this industry. And when you inject cash into it, that made me even more cautious! But Michael provided everything his website promise and much more. I have many more recommendations on what you might need for your trip and if anyone would like some help with their journey. You can ask Michael Mordinson for my e-mail address!
Thanks again to Michael and his family. Also thanks to a new friend (Kirk) that helped me when I needed it!
Yana and Tim, the USA. 23 October 2010